25 thoughts on “Away Day – Spurs at Hearts”

  1. Great video, and can I ask what the song is at the beginning of the video?

  2. You’s started singing we want 6 we want 6
    So we replied with We want 1 We want 1

  3. @Cupraka shutup u pussy, noone gives a fuck about any scottish wank football team

  4. i am scottish but i found this video brilliant- Spurs are my english team cheers for beating hearts there shite

  5. I fuckin hate spers. But your videos are pretty good.

    Also, that’s my mate ben in the away strip at 3:05

  6. Dan. You can tell a storey, Please do some more. And ; come on you Spurs!

  7. from a hearts fan this is funny as fuck lol loved it but we should of won 6-5 🙂

  8. Celtic fan here, My dad said at the time you wouldn’t undersatnd that the reason their called the Jam tarts is that its rhyming slang for Hearts. lol

  9. that was mildly amusing and to semi answer your question hearts ARE shit and your quite good! ok? nighty night darling?

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