alot of the clips are taken from my bale 2011-2012 skills video why didnt you just use my comps and not take clips from my video ……
very nice
Comin from a die hrd arsenal fan this man is awesome (y)
rapidooo bale <3
how bad Yaya Toure just got pwnd @ 0:55 ! DAMN
quick, agile, strong, great stamina and nice technique. sounds perfect to me
Love this 🙂 was not to sure on the music then i realized …. YOU SMASHED IT !!!
alot of the clips are taken from my bale 2011-2012 skills video why didnt you just use my comps and not take clips from my video ……
Best LM in the World!
Great video!
Great vid bro )
Could you make 1 of Aguero or Eden Hazard?
good video!
@TattoBdp Gracias ya se viene !
1:22 strange celebration…
bro great video 😉
amagazin felicto bro thk selena fan
sexy vid…bale is so fast!!!
From where did you download the clips used in this video?
really nice, you are the king !
cris man jaja has uno de Franck ribery porfa broo tremendo est video jaja sos grande
yeah go Barca! :p gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddd
Amazing Gareth Bale go barca !
gareth bale is my favorite player!
Great video mate ! C: