25 thoughts on “Tottenham Freestyle Rap (with lyrics)”
Mr “Arry Redknapp, yea the taxman loves you
hahaha, tiny totts…forever in our shadow.
Love it!!!
“Please enter your name here” – the fuck is that?
Its the YIDS time now, unlucky ducky !!
Fucking scum.
Brilliant! Love it. COYS!
so good :D
Bruv i did this for a laugh !!, its not meant to sound pro you dickwad, i knocked the whole song and video up in a couple of hours !! stop hating if you dont like it stay off this page, and anyway how the fuck can you hate on me making beats like your ones imao !!
Cheers Mate!
Because it is. Am i not allowed to dislike it? An amateur with shit lyrics. Tottenham deserve better songs than this shit.
how is it shit u fuckin retart
Cos its shit.
COYYSSSS!!! Fucking love my lillywhite boys! Smashing team, a beautiful club – it was only a matter of time :)!
Uploaded mate 🙂
Uploaded in description 🙂
How the hell does this only have 1970 views?
So it’s good for twitchy PMSL top top lyrics triffic
YID ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will upload them soon, i might re- record this as well, i knocked this up very quick 😉
Mr “Arry Redknapp, yea the taxman loves you
hahaha, tiny totts…forever in our shadow.
Love it!!!
“Please enter your name here” – the fuck is that?
Its the YIDS time now, unlucky ducky !!
Fucking scum.
Brilliant! Love it. COYS!
so good :D
Bruv i did this for a laugh !!, its not meant to sound pro you dickwad, i knocked the whole song and video up in a couple of hours !! stop hating if you dont like it stay off this page, and anyway how the fuck can you hate on me making beats like your ones imao !!
Cheers Mate!
Because it is. Am i not allowed to dislike it? An amateur with shit lyrics. Tottenham deserve better songs than this shit.
how is it shit u fuckin retart
Cos its shit.
COYYSSSS!!! Fucking love my lillywhite boys! Smashing team, a beautiful club – it was only a matter of time :)!
Uploaded mate 🙂
Uploaded in description 🙂
How the hell does this only have 1970 views?
So it’s good for twitchy PMSL top top lyrics triffic
YID ARMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will upload them soon, i might re- record this as well, i knocked this up very quick 😉
love it yid army.
well done lads,good stuff
tottenham hotspur we love you