23 thoughts on “Ligzz- My Fifa 12 Ultimate Team (Commentary)”

  1. for 500k go to eafifa12ultimateteamgenerator.­­­­­weebly.com

  2. Now that you got that TOTY Casillas, you’ll have a way better team 😉

  3. Pretty sure ur team will be much better since u goa a fuckin IF Casillas

  4. just sold 3 teams to make a brazil team its good but i dont like the formation i play so i was thinking about selling it and making a prem team like this only with the right formation players

  5. If you want good players and money quik on Fifa12 UT add me on ps3- FUT12HLPR

  6. Just got 500,000 coins from EA help service ‘ told them I lost inform nani and 200,00 coins and the server went down and they have refunded me with 500,000 coins 🙂 email them quickly ,ultimate-team-free-recovery@hotmail.co.uk.DO IT NOW ELSE THEY WON’T REPLY!

  7. i will swap u Mexes and Ballotelli and Ronaldiniho for Bale, Terry or Nani? get back to me please thanks:)

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